Monday, 2 November 2020

Progressive Psytrance mix January 2020 Mushroom edition

Dear Greg,
Thank you so much for investigating my benefits but I will need time to go through the letter but I have not been paid any benefits since 23/9/2020 as the DWP requests ever increasing demands of amounts I am receiving for student income = 0. I am not receiving a maintenance loan and the Tunbridge Wells CAB have referred me to a weekly drop from a local food bank. My support workers at the South West Kent Community Mental Health Services phone the Town and Country Housing Group to try and avoid eviction for non payment of rent because as my ESA is suspended so is my housing benefit. 
My doctors both the GP and my consultant psychiatrist have provided written proof I am severely disabled so the extra money as part of my ESA should be paid when reinstated which I am now told will happen when the DWP receive the further proof of my 16 study hours a week from the OU. 
I note there is a scandal unfolding over the non payment of PIP to the mentally ill and some claimants are getting backdated PIP even though they have been refused PIP initially do you recall my worries that prompted you to contact the Minister over non payment of PIP to the mentally ill?
I will be in touch but I am contacting the Lib Dem spokeswoman on the mentally ill as she highlighted the problem in Parliament 2 weeks ago on behalf of the Katy Perry Charitable Trust UK which I am chief trustee.
The DWP is in a mess and the cost to them just sorting my problems out is unbelievable as this is multiplied by how many with over 13.9 million disabled people in the UK? Suggest to Boris that you close them down, sack all the staff and outsource it privately as it is the disabled peoples only chance of living a normal life as is possible under the law.


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